Al Wiqayah

Ruqya Made Simple.

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Our ready-to-use Ruqya products offer convenience and accessibility, allowing you to incorporate powerful healing practices into your daily routine with ease.

Self-Ruqya Package
Ruqya Water
Ruqya Oil
Natural Sidr Leaves

Our comprehensive healing programmes are designed to provide holistic solutions tailored to your individual needs.

Ruqya for Weswas PDF
Ruqya for Jinn 'Ashiq PDF
Ruqya for Sihr PDF
Ruqya for Injury/Pain PDF
Ruqya for Disease & Illness PDF
Ruqya for Ayn/Hasad PDF

Our happy customers!

"Salaams! I’ve received my Ruqya pack today and it looks good. The packaging looks good and in shaa Allah I will be ordering from you again! Jazakallahu Khayran."
"Salaams Habiba Jazkallahu Khayran for the oil and extra water. I’ve really benefited from both. Will definitely be making monthly orders. May Allah put barakah in your business and reward your efforts."
“Alhamdulilah the ruqya is going really well. The side effects are much less now, in fact almost gone. Alhamdulilah I was doing it 3 times a day and still continuing.”
“Firstly, I want to thank you immensely for your help and advice. I truly appreciate it as I didn’t know where to turn. May Allah bless you immensely for your efforts ameen.”
“The oil is easily poured and best used all over the body even in the hair. And I even use the ruqya water in face masks. Also the packaging is really nice and it comes with a booklet highlighting the importance of self ruqya and rely on Allah azza wa jal. May Allah bless Al Wiqayah and pur barakah in the company ameen!”
“Al Wiqayah is founded by a sister who I am personally acquainted with and trust firmly. She is an active member of the community, mastered Arabic and has a solid understanding of the Quran and Sunnah. She is someone you can trust to deliver and explain the healing process and help you get closer to Allah.” Sweet Scents Ltd